Online Therapy

Your Life is Full

Making time for weekly, in-person therapy may be unrealistic for you. Don’t miss the support you need! 

Online therapy is ideal for people who . . .

– Regularly travel for work or pleasure.

– Can’t leave the office during work hours but have access to a private meeting room.

– Are at home with little ones.

– Want to avoid traffic and commutes.

– Have physical or mental limitations to leaving home.

Live in remote areas.


 How Online Therapy Works

Through audio and video over the internet, you can meet with me at home, in your office or on-the-go from your desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device – it’s your choice.

I do ask that couples accessing therapy be together in the same location.

Simply, schedule an online therapy session. You will receive a reminder email with a link for our call 24 hours before our session. In preparation for the teletherapy session, identify a suitable room that is quiet, private, and free of distractions. Download the app before our appointment and be sure to check test your camera and volume.

Just like a face-to-face appointment, your online therapy visit will be private and confidential. None of our appointments will ever be recorded or stored.