Online Therapy for Men

That’s right . . . SFWT isn’t just for Women.

Men, you are welcome here too.

I help single and partnered, professional men like you identify your deepest desires and find your unique self expression so you can achieve your goals in love, family and leadership.


I offer online therapy for men who want to:

  • Attract and keep the partner that is right for you.
  • Feel confident approaching a woman without being overcome with fear of rejection.
  • Find healthy ways to express your arousal and sexuality.
  • Let go of the belief that your vulnerability is a weakness
  • Design your daily routine to better manage stress and anxiety.
  • Respond to strong emotions like anger and rage with non violence.
  • Speak up for yourself even in the face of the fierce feminine.
  • Explore your identity as a partner, husband or father.
  • Lead with ease and integrity.

My approach to men’s therapy:

Women aren’t the only ones who are oppressed in our culture. Societal expectations and gender norms also impact men in numerous ways. Outdated ideals of masculinity encourage men to be tough, stoic and unemotional.

Common stereotypes pressure men to be primary providers and prioritize their careers over your personal and family life and limit your opportunities to express your unique passions and be more involved partners and parents. They also get in the way of establishing deep emotional connections with women and supportive friendships with other men. 

I’ll help you identify and question your internalized oppression and redefine unhelpful stereotypical beliefs that lead to burnout, stress, anxiety and depression. You’ll receive honest and compassionate reflections from a powerful woman about how you show up in the world and find a safe and encouraging space to express your authentic feelings and ask for help.


The path of online therapy I offer is not just about self-healing. It is also about remembering and reclaiming all of the inner resources you need to make the greatest impact you have to offer.


Online therapy for men can help you . . .


  • Identify and transform old wounds that keep you stuck.
  • Notice how you protect yourself from feeling vulnerable.
  • Access internal resources that offer you a sense of wholeness.
  • Open to freedom and truth over comfort.
  • Source a sense of self that is rooted in love.
  • Discover your authentic expression that is unencumbered by your mind and ego.
  • Find your true purpose.
  • Integrate your unique calling into your day-to-day life.